Previous Return to list of all 40’ and 50’ autocars Next lettering for Burlington’s 40’ autocars - 1946 as delivered scheme
In November 1946, the Burlington built 500, 40’ automobile cars at their Havelock, Nebraska shops, designated as class XA-16, and assigned series numbers 39000-39499. These were all fitted with Evans automobile racks with 12 floor tubes for tie-down chain storage. Note: In 1955, the auto-loaders were removed and by 1962, the entire class were modified into general freight service, the 3” white right door stripe removed and renumbered by removing the first digit from the original number into series 9000-9499 - see over. Paint & Lettering: cars including trucks, were painted with the Burlington’s Mineral Red (TCP-86) with white stencils with a black background monogram. 3” white stripe on right door indicates Evans Auto Loading Devices installed Decal set designed and created at Protocraft Decals Background color shown above is not included in decal sheet |
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