Previous Return to list of all Decal Line in 1:87 Scale Next lettering for SP’s B-50-18/23 boxcars 1946-55 - a Rick Leach decal set
As the depression waned beginning in 1936, the SP began a steel boxcar acquision program using the new 1937 AAR 10’-0” IH design. This resulted in 7,994 new cars added to the eet by mid-1942. Contracting with all major car manufactures, cars were delivered in Class as follows:
B-50-18 - Series 32770-33269, 500 cars, Pullman-Standard, Lot 5537 - delivered December 1936
B-50-18 - Series 33270-33519, 250 cars, American Car & Foundry, Lot 1535 - delivered October 1936
B-50-18 - Series 33520-34019, 500 cars, Pressed Steel Car - delivered December 1936
B-50-18 - Series 34020-34519, 500 cars, Bethlehem Steel Car Co, Lot 8484 - delivered February 1941
B-50-19 - Series 37840-38089, 250 cars, Pullman-Standard, Lot 5549 - delivered March 1937
B-50-19 - Series 38090-38339, 250 cars, Pressed Steel Car - delivered September 1937
B-50-19 - Series 38340-38589, 250 cars, American Car & Foundry, Lot 1608 - delivered October 1936
B-50-19 - Series 38590-38839, 250 cars, Bethlehem Steel Car Co, Lot 8745 - delivered 1938
B-50-20 - Series 83240-83739, 500 cars, General American Transportation Co - delivered January 1941
B-50-20 - Series 83740-84239, 500 cars, Pressed Steel Car - delivered December 1940
B-50-20 - Series 84240-84739, 500 cars, Bethlehem Steel Car Co, Lot 11 - delivered February 1941
B-50-21 - Series 81990-82489, 500 cars, Pressed Steel Car - delivered July 1941
B-50-21 - Series 82490-82989, 500 cars, Bethlehem Steel Car Co, Lot 26 - delivered February 1942
B-50-21 - Series 82990-83239, 500 cars, Pullman-Standard, Lot 5672 - delivered July 1941
B-50-21 - T&NO Series 54100-54599, 500 cars, General American Transportation Co - delivered July 1941 with 7-Panel Creco/Superior doors
B-50-21 - T&NO Series 54600-54849, 250 cars, Pullman-Standard, Lot 5537 - delivered July 1941 with Youngstown doors
B-50-22 - (50 ft cars) Series 81490-81989 - 500 cars - October-November 1941
B-50-23 - Series 95520-95863, 344 cars, Pullman-Standard, Lot 5701 - delivered May 1942
B-50-23 - Series 96220-96819, 600 cars, American Car & Foundry, Lot 22379 - delivered March 1942 w/7-Panel Superior doors
B-50-23 - Series 96820-96919, 100 cars, American Car & Foundry, Lot 22379 - delivered March 1942 wYoungstown doors
B-50-23 - Series 96920-97619, 700 cars, Pressed Steel Car - delivered July 1942
Paint & Lettering: Car body and trucks (wheels unpainted) all SP boxcar brown: TCP-923 for cars painted 1940-1959 including underframe and trucks. Both SP and T&NO. Lettering white stencil paste with full name reporting marks beginning June 1946 thru 1955 - see SP-3a decal sheet for pre-1946 lettering and SP-3c for post 1955 lettering scheme.
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