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Decal Line in 1:87 Scale

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Part Number
Product Name
Product Price
BCOX-1 (1:87) Lettering for The Baker Castor Oil Co. tank car      $6.00
C&EI Chicago & Eastern Illinois
There are 2 products in this line of decals - click the link to see them all
C&NW Challenger-2 (1:87) lettering set for C&NW’s 1937 Challenger train      $7.50
C&NW Flatcar-2 1:87 lettering set for 50-ton AAR design 53’-6” flatcars      $6.00
C&NW Steam Engines 1:87 lettering for 400 steam engine set 1-87 scale      $6.50
CMWX-5 (1:87) Lettering for Chateau Martin wine boxcar - 1944 AAR design      $6.00
COSX-1 (1:87) Diamond scheme for COSX’s Type 21 tank cars      $6.00
DM&N-1 (1:87) lettering set for DM&N’s single-sheathed & double-sheathed boxcars      $6.00
Gibson Wine-1 (1:87) Lettering for single dome insulated GATX tank car leased to Gibson Wine      $6.00
Gibson Wine-4 (1:87) Lettering for 4-dome insulated GATX tanks car leased to Gibson Wine      $6.00
Gibson Wine-6 (1:87) Lettering for 6-dome insulated GATX tanks car leased to Gibson Wine      $6.00
Gibson Wine-6a (1:87) 6-dome tank car in black for Gibson Wine Co      $6.00
GSCX-1 (1:87) Lettering for Gulf States Creosoting Co. tank car      $6.00
HPCX-1 (1:87) lettering set for Hecules Powder 8000 gallon tank car      $6.00
KPCX-1 1:87 lettering for 8,000 gallon insulated tank cars      $6.00
PQCX-1 (1:87) 8,000 gal tank car for Philadelphia Quartz Co      $6.00
PSPX-1 (1:87) lettering set for Phillips Petroleum 8000 gallon tank car      $6.00
SHPX-1 (HO) lettering for Shipper’s Car Line tank cars in 1:87 scale      $6.00
SP A-50-6 (1:87) Lettering set for SP/T&NO/GH&SA and SPdeM 50’ autocar - Class A-50-6/7/8. A Rick Leach Decal Set.      $6.00
SP B-50-14 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s B-50-14 boxcars - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP B-50-15 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s B-50-15 boxcars - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP B-50-18/23a (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s B-50-18/23 boxcars - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP B-50-18/23b (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s B-50-18/23 boxcars 1946-55 - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP B-50-18/23c (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s B-50-18/23 boxcars 1955 renumbered - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP Ballast-1 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s H-70-11 ballast cars - 1953 scheme - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP Ballast-2 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s H-70-15/17 ballast cars - 1956 scheme - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP C-30-1 1:87 lettering for SP/T&NO & SPdeM C-30 cabooses      $6.00
SP C-30-4 (1:87) lettering for SP/T&NO C-30-4 and C-40-1      $6.00
SP F-70-7 (1:87) lettering for SP’s 53’-6” 70-Ton flat cars - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP G-50-15/22 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s G-50-15/22 GS gondola cars - 1956 scheme - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP G-50-16/27 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s G-50-16/27 GS gondola cars - post 1956 scheme - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP G-50-20-23 (1:87 scale) lettering for SP’s G-50-20/23 GS gondola cars - a Rick Leach decal set      $6.00
SP H-70-4 (1:87) Lettering for SP’s covered cement hoppers - SP/T&NO/SSW      $6.00
TIDX-1 (1:87) Lettering set for central states Tide Water Associated tank cars (1:87 scale)      $6.00
WIF&S-1 (1:87) lettering for West India Fruit original 1949 slogan      $6.00
WIF&S-2 (1:87) lettering for West India Fruit 1952 lettering scheme      $6.00
WIF&S-3 (1:87) lettering set for West India Fruit & Steamship Co’s 10’-6” H.I. green boxcars - off-yellow scheme      $6.00
WP Caboose 1:87 34’ and 40’ wood cabooses for the WP      $6.00

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